Wanda Knudsen is absolutely sure of one thing: Everyone has a right to eat.
Wanda is the New Hampshire Case Manager at the HIV/HCV Resource Center in Lebanon, which offers case management, syringe services, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, overdose prevention education and referrals to medical treatment for community members living with HIV, Hepatitis C and substance use disorder.
The center also operates a food shelf: Some clients pick up food on-site, and some home-bound clients receive deliveries. Wanda says the number of people using the food shelf keeps increasing. “If you need to come here three times a week to get food, that’s fine,” she says. “I will feed you.”
The HIV/HCV Resource Center is partnering with businesses and community organizations across the region to install NaloxBoxes, which contain the overdose-reversal medication naloxone. They also train the public on how to administer it. These life-saving measures, combined with improved food access, are one small step toward a healthier community. “It’s a big job,” Wanda says. “We all have to work together.”
Location: Lebanon, NH
Clients: 96
Willing Hands Delivery Day: Wednesday
Fresh Food Delivered in 2022: 9,953 pounds
Get Involved: Make a donation at h2rc.org